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What ogili soup cost me

I sat on Pat’s lower bunk, and watched my crush throw the ball in the air and run after it. I was hopelessly attracted to him. He should be about 5 feet tall, and had very fair skin just like Stan my boyfriend., I guess that was why I was attracted to...

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Cloud of deceit part one

The SURPRISE proposal. Ruqqaiya smiled for the 100th as she stroked the screen of her phone, it displayed a text message which she read over and over again.‘Hi Ruqqaiya, meet me at Cupid’s Nest, 12pm sharp, table no 07, it’s a matter of our future.’ It...

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Wilted flowers 2

Aida gazed at herself in the mirror, her lovely brown and curly hair which she inherited from her Ethiopian mother fell on her shoulders, her lovely brown skin which was from both Nigerian Dad and foreign mom glowed.She had changed the shade of her lipstick...

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My last card

Have you ever found yourself in a situation you regretted so much yet you couldn’t get yourself out because no one compelled you,you got yourself into it willingly. That was what happened to me one faithful day.I am an undergraduate at University of Abuja,...

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Wilted Flowers

Gbenga sat at the edge of his seat, his seat was twisted sideways and facing his colleague Turi who was also sitting on the edge of her table facing him, they were having a baseless conversation which made Turi giggle at intervals. Gbenga could not help...

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A Diamond covered in soot

The world is no longer a safe place, there was a time when everything was black and white, a nice bold line was drawn between good and bad.But now its all shades of gray, your boyfriend could be a serial killer, your best friend could have Ebola and your...

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